Did you know that we also offer Dog Sleeping Bags?

We hope this email/post finds you and your furry friends well. We wanted to remind you of a product that may be of interest to you, that you may not be aware that we sell. In addition to our health food products and pet coconut oil, we also offer Sleeping Bags for Dogs!

These sleeping bags are designed to provide your dog with a comfortable, warm and cozy place to sleep while on the go. Whether it's a camping trip, vacation or a long car ride, our Dog Sleeping Bags are perfect for keeping your pet warm, cozy and protected. It also comes in a convenient pouch and can be rolled up compactly and stored in the pouch when not in use.

Made with high-quality materials, these sleeping bags are durable and easy to clean. They are perfect for medium / large dog breeds and are available for purchase on our website.

You can find more information about this product here:


If you don’t already have a sleeping bag for your dog, we hope you will consider adding one to your next order. Thank you again for your continued support.